Sunday 24 May 2020

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment - Cold Pack Therapy with Penguin Fingers

Before we discuss carpal tunnel syndrome treatment it is first important to learn how this condition occurs. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage of both bone and ligaments in your wrist. The median nerve passes through this passage. For most people there is never a problem with this nerve passing through this small tunnel. However, continuous wrist and hand movement puts stress on the tendons, and may even cause them to swell. 

This swelling logically limits the space in the tunnel and can eventually put pressure on the median nerve. The pressure has the undesired effects of numbness, pain and limited movement. There are many activities that contribute to these overuse injuries.

Overuse injuries are very common in occupations that include keyboarding, playing musical instruments or even workers on an assemble line. It is the repetition with the hand and wrist that exposes oneself to this sort of inflammation and discomfort. The most common form manifests itself in the wrist.

 Additional symptoms include pain, weakness, burning, numbness or even tingling in the hand. If you are experiencing any of these feelings then you need carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. The good news is that there is help that you can do from home as long as your pain and discomfort are only moderate. This moderate discomfort accounts for the vast majority of all cases. However, without a lifestyle change and any treatment your pain and mobility can progress to severe. For more severe cases you will need to consider surgery or even physical therapy treatment.

For moderate cases cold pack therapy will provide just the relief you need. Gel ice packs will not only lessen the pain they will also help reduce the swelling and pressure on the median nerve and provide immediate, temporary relief around the wrist. Of course this form of carpal tunnel syndrome treatment must be applied appropriately. We recommend applying cold therapy in 10 to 20 minute increments. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. This cannot only cause pain and discomfort due to the cold, but could eventually lead to damage. 

There are numerous ways to avoid this direct contact. The most common technique is to use a towel to serve as both a container and a barrier. However, this method does not treat the entire wrist, can be messy and will involve another hand or some bandage to hold it in place. Not a big deal, but it will prevent you from accomplishing anything else, and may take more time if you decide to rotate the ice around each side of the wrist. Fortunately, companies have finally started to make sports medicine cold pack therapy products just for this condition. I recommend purchasing one of these ice wraps made especially for the wrist. They are very inexpensive. 

Custom ice wraps are extremely comfortable and provide effective carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. The concept is very simple. Manufacturers begin with gel ice packs. This gel is a special substance that freezes quickly and feels comfortable when applied. The packs are then sealed in plastic or rubber before being placed in a special material that is perfect for many physical therapy applications. Once such material is neoprene, but there are others. 

Neoprene adds the perfect amount of insulation and padding without preventing the cold pack therapy process from working. Now you have a finished ice wrap that is a perfect carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. They can be put right back into the freezer for multiple applications. The nice thing about these ice wraps is that they may be used over your clothes without creating a mess when the ice thaws.

Penguin Fingers is an established retailer of all kind of gel ice packs that specialize in each individual body part. Read more about gel ice packs at

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Getting Free From Pain in the Hand and Wrist Region with Penguin Fingers

There are millions of folks who suffer a great deal due to pain in the hand and the wrist. There are quite a few reasons that may be at the root of the problem. In some cases, there is a stress disorder that is repetitive, some serious injury or some condition like arthritis that may be causing the pain. The pain can really get out of hand sometimes. It could also lead to a situation where a person feels quite a lot of pain and is unable even to do the simplest of tasks. Some of these could be easy tasks which include writing by hand, door opening using knobs, or opening bottles of pain pills; the situation can be quite unbearable.

It is heartening to note that you can change your condition. You can adopt ways and means to mitigate pain and also get your normal life back. The first tip is to go and meet a doctor. This is useful to make sure as to what the problem exactly could be; what is causing distress? This, in turn, will help as you will get a prescription for pain.

There are some steps that you can take, apart from what the doctor prescribes, in order to bring relief to your hand or wrist:

1. Hand or wrist brace: this is something that is useful in reducing the level of strain on the ligaments as well as the joints in the wrist and hand region. It also helps to ensure that movement is only in the 'comfort zone' of your body.

2. Gels of ice or of heat: when you use these gels of ice or perhaps some heat treatment, it helps to produce a cool or warming feeling and also some tingling which helps to soothe the region that has been affected by the pain and discomfort.

3. Cold and hot packs: these are special packs that are used in the case of wrist wraps as well as gloves that are fingerless. It is possible to heat these in the microwave oven or perhaps freeze them in the fridge. These have stronger and longer-lasting effects than the gels that were mentioned earlier.

4. Exercises: Some people may have difficulty in believing this, but it is possible to actually reduce the pain in the hand or in the wrist by moving these by means of doing exercises. These exercises help to enhance the flexibility of the ligaments and the joints in the area that is affected by pain.

5. Salt soaks of Epsom: This is a rather traditional and conventional form of relieving pain. The containers have simple instructions that can be easily followed. These are also quite inexpensive and for just four dollars you can get as much as three pounds of salts that can last you one full week.

6. Oil lineaments: these are special oils that help in loosening the tissues and calming the nerves of the area that is affected. Some of these may have properties that are aroma therapeutic in nature such that your body can get relaxed and be calm.

7. Herbal balms to reduce pain: The essences of spices, herbs as well as botanical species are something that has been used for centuries to deal with stress and pain. These come in the nature of grease and lotion as well as creams which mean that these can have effects for a very long time period indeed.

8. Pain resistance and meditation: The power of the mind is inimitable. It helps to deal with pains and aches and you can read up on this online. This is a method that can be mastered with time, patience, and experience so that you can get a hold on the pain at will.

9. Therapy to channel energy: these are some of the techniques-like chakra balance as well as acupressure-that help you to reduce the focus on the area that is paining and to enhance sensation to a larger area of the body.

You must remember that all these techniques are not a cure for pain in the wrist or on the hand. But they can indeed help in alleviating pain and stress and also act in tandem with the prescriptions of your doctor. All the best to you as you try and get a hold on the pain and take steps to mitigate its hold on your life.
For More information about Wrist Pain Please Visit here :

Monday 11 May 2020

Balancing A Busy Schedule And A Work Out With Penguin Fingers

Fitness requires three things, dedication to your goals, a willingness to change your life, and a plan. Without a plan, it's too easy to quit your new lifestyle when things get hard. The following information will help you in creating your plan of action on the road to being physically fit.

Having trouble keeping up with your exercise? If you only train in a gym, that might be part of the reason why. Try some outdoor exercising so that you can enjoy fresh air and nature. This will invigorate your workout routine and breath new life into your commitment to fitness.

Dips are a great exercise for your triceps, but by slighting moving your body, you can workout your chest as well. While doing the dips, put your elbows in and keep your body straight to work your triceps. To work your chest, lean forward and put your arms out slightly.

If you are a runner and would like to build endurance and speed, train like Kenyan runners. The first third of your run go slowly. The middle third start running at your normal pace. At the end run faster than normal. Each week slowly increase your starting pace, and this will help to increase your normal and fast pace, too.

Giving a part of your home or your car a deep cleaning will not only improve the look of your house or vehicle, but burn a great deal of calories. Going to the gym or setting a time to exercise is not always necessary when you keep active and do high intensity activities.
To maintain the benefits of your workout, drink a few supplements after you are finished. Your muscles will be craving protein, so chug a pint of a protein shake to replenish their supply. Studies have shown that doing this increases the ability of your muscles to maintain the gain from the workout.

So, what do you want out of your fitness plan? Whether it's weight loss, toning or just improving the state of your health - you can succeed in your goals. Take the information above and use what works for you. It's your body, take good care of yourself!