Friday 19 June 2020

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Recovery With Ice Gel Pack Of PenguinFingers

If you're one of the millions of carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers in the world, you know how much it can affect your daily routine. You could be working at your desk and all of a sudden a sharp pain shoots up your wrist. Or maybe you're at home having trouble preparing dinner because there is a numbness in your left hand that makes it hard for you to hold a plate.

Here are five remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Recovery:

1.The first and foremost thing you on your way to conquering carpal tunnel syndrome is rest the hand that is suffering from carpal tunnel pain. Suspend activity that puts a lot of pressure on the wrists. Alternatively you can use your other hand to preform the functions. Ice the afflicted hand to reduce inflammation.

2.Wear a splint or brace. Preferably wear the brace/splint during activities where the carpal tunnel symptoms flare up. Wearing the brace/splint at night when you go to sleep is also an effective method to conquering carpal tunnel syndrome since your wrist is usually bent at night further aggravating your carpel tunnel nerves. Splints and braces can be unconformable to wear but they can relieve pain if worn for 2 weeks.

3.Take some over the counter inflammatory medicine such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Make sure the medicine is anti inflammatory as they target the inflammation in the nerves in your carpal tunnel. Pain relievers only temporary relieve pain; they don't put down the inflammation in your carpal tunnel nerve.

4.Do some stretches and exercises. Try stretching your wrist backwards away from your body. Stretching each finger away from the body will also help. Pulling on each finger will also help in conquering carpal tunnel syndrome pain.

5.Cortisol/steroid injections. While this method is typically less invasive than surgery, it still requires a visit to a doctor's office. These injections usually provide temporary relief as they reduce the inflammation in the carpal tunnel.

 You Can Place a Order for Penguin Fingers at :

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Thumb Joint Pain: Can Be Treated by PENGUIN FINGERS

Pain in your thumbs joint can be caused by many things. One of the most common causes of joint pain is carpal tunnel syndrome. If you feel numbness or tingling in your thumb chances are it is carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain can also be a form of arthritis known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis causes swelling and a lot of pain in the thumbs joint. This can make it hard to perform normal daily tasks. Even buttoning your pants can become difficult.

If you have carpel tunnel syndrome or osteoarthritis there are a few things you can do to help the pain. If its arthritis you can rest your thumb as often as possible. The pain from arthritis is a reaction to irritation and inflammation of the thumb. If you have a carpel tunnel you should try to exercise the thumb to get the tendons and muscles loose.

One of the most common pain relievers is over the counter medicine such as ibuprofen. This will relieve the pain from arthritis and carpal tunnel, but pain medications are only temporary and will never resolve the true source of the pain. They can also make a person dependent on them for day to day use.

Using cold dunking will work for both carpal tunnel and arthritis. You should get a pale of cold water and dip your thumb in it for five to ten seconds. Leave your hand out of the water until the cold feeling wears off. Then dunk your hand again for another five to ten seconds. You will want to repeat this process for around twenty minutes or until the pain has gone.

Cold and heat can also help with the pain. You should apply a cold compress to your thumb for about five minutes, and then apply a hot compress for about five minutes. You can repeat this for up to twenty minutes, or until the pain goes away. This is a great pain reducer that can help with the inflammation.

You should also consider a thumb exercise plan. This will actually help stop the symptoms for good. You can mask and conceal the pain, but nothing is better than getting rid of the pain for good. Thumb exercises are very simple and can be done in under ten minutes a day, and relieve symptoms for good in as little as two weeks.

For exercises and more information on thumb joint pain please visit:

Friday 5 June 2020

Penguin Fingers give you best way to live your life with Fittness

There are many benefits to being physically fit. Fit individuals are healthier, have more energy, and overall live longer than others. If you would like to get your body in shape, then pay attention to the fitness tips in the article below.

 Don't sign up for a gym membership sight unseen. Gym's can vary wildly in terms of there decor, atmosphere, focus, and equipment. 

The feel of a gym can make a huge impact on how often you go. Make sure you like the layout, the amenities, and even the other people working out. If a gym isn't a good fit for you, you won't go so make sure you check them out in person.

If the place you need to go to is within walking distance, walk there. If you live in an area where being on the road without a car is safe, do so. Walk to the store rather than driving there. If you own a bike, ride your bike there.

To increase your endurance, breathe fully and from your diaphragm when you exercise, particularly when running. This increases your oxygen intake and your lung capacity and lets you exercise longer. If you don't know how to breathe from your diaphragm, you can lie down and put something on your stomach, then practice making it rise and fall as you inhale and exhale.

If you're training for a marathon, keep this strategy in mind: start slow for the first third of the marathon, in the middle third run at a comfortable pace, and run slightly faster in the last third of the race. This will help your body maintain its strength and power the entire length of the marathon.


Take some time out of your workout to focus specifically on your trouble areas. Doing this will make sure that you give special attention to the things you need to work on, and the extra time will translate to better results. Trouble areas won't be trouble too long if you give them special consideration.

Studies have proven that mediating every day for eight weeks have shown to improve health and boost a calmer lifestyle. Mediating improves the fitness of the brain by reducing stress. Remaining calm has proven to plump the part of the brain called the hippo-campus, which is directly connected to memory and alertness.

As stated before in the introduction for this article, everyone should strive for physical fitness. You will feel healthier, stronger, having more energy and live longer. It does not take long for your body to thank you so start today, you will be on your way to live a long healthy life with more energy.  

Sunday 24 May 2020

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment - Cold Pack Therapy with Penguin Fingers

Before we discuss carpal tunnel syndrome treatment it is first important to learn how this condition occurs. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage of both bone and ligaments in your wrist. The median nerve passes through this passage. For most people there is never a problem with this nerve passing through this small tunnel. However, continuous wrist and hand movement puts stress on the tendons, and may even cause them to swell. 

This swelling logically limits the space in the tunnel and can eventually put pressure on the median nerve. The pressure has the undesired effects of numbness, pain and limited movement. There are many activities that contribute to these overuse injuries.

Overuse injuries are very common in occupations that include keyboarding, playing musical instruments or even workers on an assemble line. It is the repetition with the hand and wrist that exposes oneself to this sort of inflammation and discomfort. The most common form manifests itself in the wrist.

 Additional symptoms include pain, weakness, burning, numbness or even tingling in the hand. If you are experiencing any of these feelings then you need carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. The good news is that there is help that you can do from home as long as your pain and discomfort are only moderate. This moderate discomfort accounts for the vast majority of all cases. However, without a lifestyle change and any treatment your pain and mobility can progress to severe. For more severe cases you will need to consider surgery or even physical therapy treatment.

For moderate cases cold pack therapy will provide just the relief you need. Gel ice packs will not only lessen the pain they will also help reduce the swelling and pressure on the median nerve and provide immediate, temporary relief around the wrist. Of course this form of carpal tunnel syndrome treatment must be applied appropriately. We recommend applying cold therapy in 10 to 20 minute increments. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. This cannot only cause pain and discomfort due to the cold, but could eventually lead to damage. 

There are numerous ways to avoid this direct contact. The most common technique is to use a towel to serve as both a container and a barrier. However, this method does not treat the entire wrist, can be messy and will involve another hand or some bandage to hold it in place. Not a big deal, but it will prevent you from accomplishing anything else, and may take more time if you decide to rotate the ice around each side of the wrist. Fortunately, companies have finally started to make sports medicine cold pack therapy products just for this condition. I recommend purchasing one of these ice wraps made especially for the wrist. They are very inexpensive. 

Custom ice wraps are extremely comfortable and provide effective carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. The concept is very simple. Manufacturers begin with gel ice packs. This gel is a special substance that freezes quickly and feels comfortable when applied. The packs are then sealed in plastic or rubber before being placed in a special material that is perfect for many physical therapy applications. Once such material is neoprene, but there are others. 

Neoprene adds the perfect amount of insulation and padding without preventing the cold pack therapy process from working. Now you have a finished ice wrap that is a perfect carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. They can be put right back into the freezer for multiple applications. The nice thing about these ice wraps is that they may be used over your clothes without creating a mess when the ice thaws.

Penguin Fingers is an established retailer of all kind of gel ice packs that specialize in each individual body part. Read more about gel ice packs at